Top 10 best craft ideas for kids at home

The best way to keep your child entertained at home is through crafts. This activity not only develops the child’s creativity, but also develops fine motor skills. Everyone knows that the development of fine motor skills is one of the most important aspects of a child’s development. Let’s take a look at the 10 best craft ideas that will keep your kids busy and happy!

1. Paper plate animals

Paper plate crafts are a classic. With just a few paper plates, markers, glue, and other supplies, kids can create a whole zoo of animals. This craft allows children to explore different animal shapes and colors while having a lot of fun.

2. Do-it-yourself licker

Play dough is a favorite activity of children. It is a tactile and sensory experience that is both educational and entertaining. All you need:

White school glue

  • baking soda
  • contact lens solution
  • food coloring (optional)

Mix the glue and baking soda, add a few drops of food coloring, and slowly add the contact lens solution until a slime forms. Children can decorate the slime with glitter, beads, or small toys for extra fun.

girls plaing

3. Drawing with fingerprints

Fingerprinting is a very interesting way to entertain your child. This game develops the creative imagination of kids. Using only paints, with the help of palms and fingers, children will create a whole fantastic world. 

4. Crafts with toilet paper rolls.

Don’t throw away toilet paper rolls! They are perfect for crafts such as:

  1. Rocket ships: Color the roll, add fins and a conical top and let your imagination run wild.
  2. Binoculars: Glue two rolls together, add a rope and let the kids pretend they are going on a safari.
  3. Animal figures: Turn buns into owls, cats, or pandas with paint and googly eyes.

These crafts are economical and promote recycling.

5. Nature collages

Take a walk in the park with your child. Collect leaves, twigs, flowers and small stones. After collecting the materials, glue them on a piece of paper and create a collage. These can be based on different themes: seasonal landscapes, abstraction, animals, etc. 

This activity helps children connect with nature while developing their artistic skills.

6. Crafts with popsicle sticks

Popsicle sticks are versatile and can be used to make endless crafts. Here are some ideas:

  • miniature houses or bird feeders
  • frames for family photos
  • dolls made of paper or felt on which you can draw faces.

Children can color, glue and decorate these sticks to their heart’s content.

7. Do-it-yourself jewelry

This activity may be more suitable for girls.  Beads, threads, pasta, buttons can be used to make necklaces and bracelets. To make it more interesting, pasta or wooden beads can be painted in different colors. Such fun has a good effect on fine motor skills.

8. Crafts from cardboard boxes

Old boxes can be turned into interesting toys using tape, glue, scissors.  It can be a dollhouse, a car, a robot costume, etc. 

9. Painting on rocks

Rock painting is a relaxing and useful craft. Collect smooth rocks in your garden or buy them at a craft store. With acrylic paints, brushes or permanent markers, your child can create a great gift for their parents. 

10. Do-it-yourself snow globes

Create magical snow globes from simple household items. You will need a clear plastic container, small figurines or toys, glitter, glycerin, and water.  Glue the figurine to the inside of the lid, fill the container with water and glitter, and close it tightly. Shake and watch the magic unfold

Tips for success in crafting

Create a special area for crafts to make your child feel comfortable. 

Use recycled materials: Encourage environmental friendliness by using items such as egg cartons, cereal boxes, and old magazines.

Supervise this process as the child scavenges scissors, paints, glue, and small items. 

Allow children to make their own decisions about colors, shapes, and designs. There is no right or wrong in creativity!
Crafting is not just a way to pass the time, it is an opportunity for children to learn new skills, express themselves, and connect with their family. These 10 best ideas for kids’ crafts at home are not only easy to do, but also adaptable to different ages and interests. The Klutz online store will help make your activities even more interesting. Here you will find a lot of interesting and, most importantly, useful things for your kids.